- so busy, I need a break 回复
- Earthquake leads to OT, OT leads to more OT, then pizzas arrive finally 回复
- 累的都没有胃口了。。。。。。 回复
- would u know my name, if i saw u in heaven? 回复
- 这几天火气很大 回复
- what a day 回复
- Jan 2011, I'm coming back home 回复
- 三天之后,我就是有金卡一族了 回复
- flying at 1:10 in the morning! that's something new 回复
- Nice weather, not too cold, not too shiny 回复
- 那一刻,仿佛看见了天堂............... 回复
- 以前觉得我拥有很多,才发现我是现在是裸的 回复
- 心情是灰色, 需要一些事情来cheer me up 回复
- 想到就心酸.............. 回复
- 昨天的风好大,希望这个冬天能和去年一样平静 回复
- To S, again 2010-12-28
- Feels like i just wrote a blog about u yesterday, talking about how u love this girl, what you did for her, what u guys did ...
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- Laugh & Cry 2010-11-25
- I laugh a lot rencetly at work, some for a reason but not all of them, didnt know why but i felt quite all right, until i saw this artilce last night ...
- (337)次阅读|(0)个评论
- 恋爱的感觉真好 2010-11-21
- 小S是我高一时认识的朋友,当时在网吧玩,他帮网吧老板收钱,后来才知道原来是同学,因为住的近人品又不错,所以成了朋友一路这么走了下来,想想认识也有11年了 ...
- (296)次阅读|(0)个评论
- 骑着自行车逛莆田 2010-02-11
- 算算出去有7个年头,每两年回来一次,每次莆田都有变化,每次都是借亲戚或者同学的自行车到处走走看看,感受中国8%GDP的impact。再过几天就有车了,迫不及待出去 ...
- (307)次阅读|(0)个评论
- Goodbye and good luck, Ronnie~ 2010-02-02
- Normally when u recv an email from a colleague at work, u figure it may be just a joke, funny photo or some promotional flyer. Today I recvd one from ...
- (383)次阅读|(0)个评论